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Thank you!

A dreamy Older & Reckless has come to an end. Though I'm sad it's over, my heart overflows with joy and gratitude to each and every beautiful being who took part- from the sublime artists to the terrific O&R administrative & production teams, to the courageous JOE amateurs and the JOE pros who returned to their boots once again. THANK YOU to our wonderful audience- the largest in O&R history!

THANK YOU to all who made this Older & Reckless truly magical. Even the supermoon was there to shine over the proceedings! THANK YOU to Harbourfront Centre for our partnership, to our generous sponsors and volunteers, to gracious hosts Veronica Tennant, Peggy Baker and Nancy & Michael Greyeyes, to Catherine Tardif and Bonnie Kim for leading the JOE project, to BaKari I. Lindsay, Charles Koroneho, Margie Gillis, Robert Desrosiers and Anne Bourne for their inspired performances. This 39th edition of Older & Reckless, dedicated to Leonard Cohen who loved dance, was a fitting testament to 20 MOonhORsE years, and I'm so happy so many came out to celebrate!

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